Thread: Yard freaks
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      02-19-2019, 11:05 AM   #21
Long Time Admirer, First Time Owner
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I cemented over my space next to the road, but more because that ground was SO hard. I dug out 3", used the pitchfork and tiller, back-filled with moss, and finally called a guy to pour his extra concrete waste in the spot.

This past weekend I put 36' of block down along the edge in the back where the wife was just "dumping" her potted plants. Nice clean edge, put weed barrier underneath, cut right tot he edge of the brick. put her planters back then filled with 24 cubic of brown mulch.
Also put 20@ 36" tree rings around trees that only had 18" rings previously. Moved some of those smaller ones to make 1/2 arches against walls for some vines and the olive trees that are just starting out.

I'm glad to be back at work where I can sit down!
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