Originally Posted by drwankel
I've noticed it as well. Based on the symptoms, I suspect the backend database is not happy. Queries are taking a long time to complete I bet.
Of note- some people called out 11:00PM PST. This is the time the site does daily database maintenance.
It takes 7-15 minutes, and the site is intentionally down when this occurs. Unintended changes/problems noticed immediately after the conclusion of maintenance are likely related, and not expected.
If someone in any sort of official role at bimmpoost comes across this post, please consider moving daily DB maintenance to 2AM or later. I've lost track of how many times I tried to visit the forum between the time of 11:00PM - 11:10PM and couldn't. Or was in the middle of replying to a post before 11, and hit post after 11 forgetting that it was db maintenance time and lost my reply entirely.
No need to change the schedule. It’s already 2 am for east coasters!