Originally Posted by jmg
Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule. You are one example compared to thousands of others who didn't go to college, and find themselves with much less success than you have.
For me, I did not stay in my field. I have a degree I do not use, but a piece of paper is not the only thing, nor is it the most important thing I got out of college.
You're quite correct in terms of the statistics. The income gulf between college grads and high school grads has grown at a rapid pace in the last couple of decades. When I was a kid, accountants and dentists and union tradespeople lived side-by-side in the same neighborhoods. Not today; the tradespeoples' wages haven't kept pace with the professional class, and very few of them can afford a house in the more upscale neighborhoods.
I may not think it's fair or makes sense, but it's an unfortunate statistical fact.